Sunday, July 29, 2012

"I wanna see your Peacock!!" (Toes and Fingers)

I love basically anything and everything that has to do with peacock feathers. I have tried and tried to paint peacock feathers on my nails but can not. But will continue to try. I can draw them perfectly on paper But this is my own version of peacock nails both on my toes and fingers.

Things needed for both:

* Lets talk about the toes first cause they were the easiest....

-First off I painted all the toes with this deep purple color. I found this color at K-mart and love it. It looks really cool in the sun light too.

-I then placed light blue and light green dots and lines on just the big toes. Then outlined them with gold.

-As for the other toes I used the new glitter crackle. (Green and Blue) as in the pictures the glitter crackle did not show up very well with the purple but you can still see glitter.

*Finger Nail time!!! :)

-First I painted all the nails light green but the ring fingers on both hands. I painted the tips of those with the same purple from the toes.

-Next I placed some purple and blue dots and lines just like on the toes on all the fingers but the ring fingers. Then outlined some of them in gold.

-On the ring fingers I lined the bottom of the tip with light blue and had 2lines go up towards the tip of the nail. Then painted small gold lines in the middle of the blue lines.

-Add top coat to everything for the finish and there's your peacock double nail set!

*The dots and lines that were placed and then outlined give the allusion of peacock feathers and the green, blue, purple, and gold our proper colors for the peacock.

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