Saturday, February 23, 2013


Each nail was done differently, something relating to Christmas.

Thumb = Santa
Pointer = Elf
Middle = Rudolph
Ring = Lights
Pinky = CandyCane

* I first painted each nail a solid color as the base for the picture going on them.

*Then I began to add the designs to each nail to create the pictures.\

*On the Thumb for Santa I put a white line down the middle and tip, made it uneven to look like fur. Then a black like in the middle sideways for the belt, and gold square as the belt buckle.

*On the Elf I painted a black like for the belt then a gold square for the buckle.

*Rudolph, I painted a half moon in light brown on the tip, a red circle in the middle of it. 2small black dots and white dots inside for the eyes. And in light brown again at the cuticles drew partial antlers.

* Lights, a curvy black line, then added different color rain drop shapes along the line.

* CandyCane, just added red strips in the form of a CandyCane.


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